Thursday, February 26, 2009

As it nears closer to break..

I am not inclined to work.
It's so bloody nice outside. Like, you don't even know how warm 36 feels right now. So nothing much to report for fun weekendish news, except we stayed in, watched the Oscars (<33333 HUGGHHH), and helped my friend Chris move from Towers to T3, where he is now their new RA. But since yesterday was so nice me and Mara went down to the Commons about 4ish and shopped around, and I decided to get my hair cut. It was like THE shadyist place in the world. First of all, it was down stairs.. and the handle to get down their was really rusty and awkward. It had those old fashioned red chairs that were definitely in Sweeney Todd. It was a little shifty but I reallllyyy wanted a haircut. Turns out the guys there are really nice. I still like the other place better, but that was closed. :/
Here's the new hair:

So after that crazy ordeal, me and Mara went in House of Shalimar and I got a new necklace and bought a present for Christina (today is her b-day!) and then we went to Brotcel, this foreign coffee place and I had a Chocolate Latte and I bought this amazing bread that I'm currently feasting on.

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